Latest Space News — June 17, 2024

3 min readJun 17, 2024


Here are today’s top space news stories, highlighting significant developments and events in space exploration and technology.

1. Boeing’s Starliner Successfully Launches Astronauts for the First Time

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft has achieved a significant milestone by successfully launching its first crewed mission. The spacecraft, atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, carried NASA astronauts Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Sunita Williams to the International Space Station (ISS). This mission is part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, which aims to ensure multiple options for astronaut transport to the ISS, enhancing operational flexibility and safety.

The mission follows years of development and rigorous testing, overcoming various technical challenges such as issues with the propulsion system and software anomalies. This successful launch not only validates the spacecraft’s performance but also marks Boeing’s entry into the crewed spaceflight market alongside SpaceX. The astronauts will conduct scientific research and maintenance tasks during their approximately six-month stay aboard the ISS​.

2. Serbia Joins China’s International Lunar Research Station Project

Serbia has signed an agreement to join China’s International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) project, becoming the 11th country to participate. This memorandum of understanding was signed by Serbia’s Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation, and the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The ILRS project aims to establish a permanent lunar base by the 2030s, focusing on scientific research, resource utilization, and technological development.

This collaboration highlights the increasing global interest in lunar exploration and the strategic partnerships forming around this ambitious project. Serbia’s participation will bolster its scientific capabilities and allow it to contribute to and benefit from the advancements in lunar research facilitated by the ILRS​.

3. Tianzhou-7 Reaches Tiangong Space Station

China’s Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft has successfully docked with the Tiangong space station. Launched from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Hainan island, Tianzhou-7 carried 5.6 tons of supplies, including fresh food, scientific equipment, and gifts for the upcoming Year of the Dragon.

The mission supports the continuous operation of the Tiangong space station, enabling the Shenzhou-17 crew to perform cargo transfers and support ongoing scientific experiments. This successful docking underscores China’s growing capabilities in space logistics and station resupply, critical for maintaining a sustained human presence in space​.

4. SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launches Starlink Satellites on Record 21st Flight

SpaceX has set a new record with the 21st flight of a single Falcon 9 rocket first stage booster, launching 23 Starlink satellites into orbit. The rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and successfully landed on the droneship “A Shortfall of Gravitas” in the Atlantic Ocean.

This mission is part of SpaceX’s broader effort to expand its Starlink internet constellation, aiming to provide global high-speed internet access, particularly in remote and underserved areas. The successful recovery and reuse of the Falcon 9 booster highlight SpaceX’s leadership in reusable rocket technology and its commitment to reducing the costs of space access​.

5. Space Weather Forecasting Needs an Upgrade for Future Artemis Missions

As NASA prepares for its upcoming Artemis missions to the Moon, there is a growing need to upgrade space weather forecasting capabilities. The Moon’s surface is exposed to cosmic rays and solar energetic particles, posing significant risks to astronaut health and mission equipment. Improved forecasting can mitigate these risks by providing timely warnings and allowing for better protective measures.

Enhancing space weather prediction is crucial for the safety and success of future lunar missions. NASA and other space agencies are investing in advanced monitoring technologies and international collaborations to develop more accurate space weather models, ensuring that astronauts and mission planners have the necessary information to protect against harmful space weather effects​.

Boeing Starliner Successfully Launches Astronauts Into Space For First Time

Sources and References

